
The 2024 IWKA Isshinryu World Karate Championships is an AAU sanctioned event and will be implementing the AAU Rules of Competition.

Please use this link to access a PDF of the specific event rules:

2024 IWKA World Championship AAU Rules - PDF

There will be at least four, virtual AAU judging training sessions and online testing leading up to the event. There will be one, in-person session on the Friday before the tournament. All training sessions and testing will be conducted by Sherry Ingram Angwin, who will also serve as the arbitrator of this event.

In order to participate as a judge or referee in this tournament, you must attend one of the AAU rules training sessions and have passed the test.

AAU certification will not be given at the trainings, nor be required.

For complete AAU karate rules, visit their website:

AAU Karate - Complete Rules

*The rules for this event are a working document and modifications may continue to be made, as needed, leading up to the event.